“I was a chubby kid.”
“As a kid who grew up chubby, I just marveled at the fact that I could be thin.”
“I was a little chubby, rosy-cheeked kid.”
“When I was younger, I was chubby. It gave me a terrible sense of self-image, and I guess I carry that around with me still.”
“Chubby Checker changed the dance floor.”
“History was made the day Chubby Checker went on ‘Bandstand’ with ‘The Twist.’”
“When I go on stage, I’m a different man. I become Chubby Checker, And when I’m not Chubby Checker, I’m preparing to be him.”
“The only difference between The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Aerosmith, and Chubby Checker is that they get their music played on the radio.”
“Alexander Graham Bell brought us the telephone. He owns the telephones in the buildings. Thomas Edison owns the lightbulb. Whether they took it and did things to improve it, he’s the guy. Now on the dance floor, that belongs to Chubby Checker.”
“Growing up, I was the awkward, chubby kid. I had a few close friends, but I was the first one to be bullied.”
“I think little chubby dogs are the cutest.”
“I was a little bit chubby when I was a kid.”
“Jerry Springer’ is just kind of the chubby, redneck version of throwing Christians to the lions.”
“I went through awkward, chubby, total weirdo phases.”
“Growing up, I was always chubby. My girlfriends were always running around in two-pieces, and I never felt comfortable to do that.”
“I definitely tried to skateboard in middle school, and being from San Diego, surf and skate culture is a big, prevalent thing. But I was not that good – I was kind of a chubby kid and didn’t totally master skating.”
“I was obsessed with Chubby Checker and old dances, like the twist.”
“I’m just a wee, chubby boy that happens to sing songs.”
“I was a short, chubby kid, pretty shy.”
“A bloke once yelled out: ‘You’ve got chubby knees.’ I was 19. I’ve had a real complex about my knees ever since.”
“I’m sure that my father becoming seriously ill when I was 14 had a lot to do with my going from chubby to fat.”
“I was quite short and chubby until I was 14, when I shot up.”
“I was considered chubby as a teen.”
“When my face starts to feel chubby, I know there is an issue with my weight.”
“I was a dancer, but I was always a little overweight. I’d say, ‘Hello, I’m Valerie Harper, and I’m overweight.’ I’d say it quickly before they could… I always got called chubby. My nose was too wide; my hair was too kinky.”
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