“It’s so easy for folks to normalize their opinions, to engage in a groupthink that is damaging.”
“It’s hard lovin’ folks sometimes, isn’t it?”
“My folks would have parties and all I wanted was to be the entertainment.”
“I’m asking regular folks to be my super PAC.”
“Folks are astounded that ‘judge’ isn’t a synonym for ‘humorless Luddite.’”
“Folks want to be listened to, they want to be heard.”
“Folks never understand the folks they hate.”
“The magic’s back, folks.”
“That’s all folks!”
“I’m tired of cookie-cutter monolithic representation of black folks.”
“As long as folks are happy, I’m happy.”
“Obamacare can’t work, folks. It just cannot.”
“Different strokes, for different folks.”
“Most private-sector folks don’t get a pension.”
“I appreciate folks asking for my autograph.”
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