“I think it’s important to have a dream and to follow your heart.”
“Listen to advice, but follow your heart.”
“Everyone wants to belong, or be a part of something bigger than themselves, but it’s important to follow your heart and be true to yourself in the process.”
“You do have to follow your heart, otherwise you’re living a false life.”
“I’m here to spread a message of hope. Follow your heart. Don’t follow what you’ve been told you’re supposed to do.”
“Everyone has that inner voice, the one that’s a Negative Nancy. I’d say to ignore that voice and to be confident and follow your heart.”
“You can do anything as long as you don’t stop believing. When it is meant to be, it will be. You just have to follow your heart.”
“My writing, like everything I do, comes profoundly from my heart. I believe that if you follow your heart you will be successful in one way or another. Old-fashioned as that might sound, the philosophy is true.”
“Don’t follow a trend. Follow your heart.”
“Don’t follow in my footsteps; follow your heart.”
“Follow your heart and make it your decision.”
“As hackneyed and cliche as it sounds, follow your heart. We are all given intuition and instincts, and sometimes it is hard to follow those instincts with the fears and pressures that surround us – but you have to do it.”
“Trite as it sounds, follow your heart. Persevere. And if you follow your heart and persevere, it will pay off.”
“You can’t live a lie. You have to follow your heart.”
“Get into your own creativity. Sketch and paint with different mediums and follow your heart.”
“I think it’s imperative to follow your heart and choose a profession you’re passionate about, and if you haven’t found that ‘spark’ yet, if you’re not sure what you want to do with your lives – be persistent until you do.”
“I learned always to follow your heart.”
“When you follow your heart, you’re never supposed to do things because of what you think people might say. You do it for the opposite reasons.”
“It’s all about knowing when to listen to that conversation and – without sounding really hokey – when to tune it out and follow your heart.”
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