“Buying reviews of ebooks that include downloads is a well-known way to ‘juice’ an ebook’s sales rank and attract new readers.”
“I’m a really huge fan of papaya juice.”
“One meal option is a piece of poached chicken the size of your fist with a green salad sprinkled with lemon juice, carrots, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and celery. Another is a cup and a half of quinoa with minced veggies, all cooked at once so the quinoa absorbs the nutrients.”
“I try to have juice that has been squeezed from a juicer and not anything that has been bottled up in a store.”
“Lime juice makes things taste fresher. I use it for drinks, salsas, relishes, soups, and sauces. You want some give to your limes – firmness means the inside is dry – and they’ll stay softer longer if you don’t refrigerate them.”
“I don’t drink gases, like Coke – just juice and water, and I don’t drink alcohol.”
“Extra-dirty vodka Martinis – they’re so easy to drink! I should really just drink olive juice; it’d be safer.”
“I’m definitely tired of playing ‘Acid Rap.’ I’m definitely tired of playing ‘Juice.’”
“If life gives you lemons, make some kind of fruity juice.”
“My Spotify consists of… definitely Juice WRLD. Comethazine. Ty$.”
“Personally, I like to juice up several different kinds of fruit and vegetables – which may include various combinations of bananas, red bell peppers, apples, carrots, celery, broccoli, spinach, parsley, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.”
“For me, I don’t need to juice to make weight for my fights. I just do it for the health benefits – to keep my body healthy and to get my greens in me.”
“For a while, I drank the juice – I did things the way everybody else said to. I listened to their advice. But it didn’t work.”
“I love cranberry juice, but I’m not a coffee drinker – as a Mormon, I avoid caffeine.”
“I’m a really big Juice Press fan. There is a store right around the corner from my apartment in New York.”
“It’s like, whenever I do any kind of cover, if it’s a jazz piece or pop cover, I want to honor the original and make sure that the bulk and the juice of what makes that so great is there, but take it to a different place.”
“Your classic guacamole is just avocados, lime juice, and salt.”
“I drink a lot of juice.”
“With a little more tweaking, we could make orange juice in the orange without any packaging or processing.”
“There was this enormous burst of sculptural creative juice in the nineteenth century, and all that stuff is just so decorative. Even in pieces cast from a mold, you get a more sensuous, handmade, individual sense from it.”
“Is Naked Juice a beverage, or is it a snack? I think we can liquefy snacks or snackify liquids.”
“Most cocktails containing liquor are made today with gin and ingenuity. In brief, take an ample supply of the former and use your imagination. For the benefit of a minority, it is courteous to serve chilled fruit juice in addition to cocktails made with liquor.”
“I tried a juice cleanse, and it was a total disaster. For the eight hours that I lasted, I felt like I was on the brink of starvation. For me, it’s about making the right choices.”
“Into this pour the purified juice: and put it into a pan of water come almost to a boil and continue nearly in the state of boiling until the juice is found to be the consistency of a thick syrup when cold. It is then when cold, to be corked up in a bottle for use.”
“I drink a lot of juice and eat a lot of vegetables.”
“Essentially, wines are fermented grape juice, so I’m trying to make the point that the wine world is about scores and marketing and kind of creating a scarce resource where they don’t really exist.”
“The Beatles had some juice when it came to distortion, but Clapton was finally able to break through those early studio engineers’ fear of overloading. He defined the sound that guitarists spend the rest of their lives trying to get.”
“Like Honeycrisp, SweeTango has much larger cells than other apples, and when you bite into it, the cells shatter rather than cleaving along the cell walls, as is the case with most popular apples. The bursting of the cells fills your mouth with juice. Chunks of SweeTango snap off in your mouth with a loud cracking sound.”
“Everyting starts to happen at my home at 7 A. M., 7:20, when you hear the orange juicer. That means my daughters are already making the fresh Clementine juice.”
“I make green juice daily.”
“For my Mai Tai recipe, I juice fresh orange, pineapple, and lime. It’s like vacation in a glass!”
“In this business, you can be at the top of the world and at the bottom of the barrel, and you’re grape juice. I’ve been at both ends. It can make you become what you really are.”
“It’s amazing how much people talk about colonics here. That’s not a thing anywhere else in the country. But I totally did a juice cleanse, I did a colonic – I’m getting into L.A. living!”
“There’s no such thing as soy milk. It’s soy juice.”
“I am more prolific when I have something to respond to. I get my juice from people and real stories and things that seem common but are amazing.”
“I don’t do long juice cleanses because, for me, it messes up my metabolism, and I actually gain weight.”
“I make a Bloody Mary at home with a dash of fish sauce, a little bit of coconut, and some lime juice. It gives the cocktail some South Asian flair.”
“You’ve got to pay an awful lot for your hotel before you get fresh orange juice. If a hotel has got proper orange juice – and you do expect it if you’re abroad – I rank the hotel highly.”
“Mid-afternoon, I snack on Greek yogurt with nuts or a green juice from Juice Press.”
“Before I made ‘Sweetback,’ I had a three-picture deal with Columbia and enough juice, if I was real clever with it, to proclaim that I wanted to do an independent film.”
“As you eat more healthily, your palate changes – it’s amazing. Your taste buds constantly adapt: from minute to minute, in fact. If you drank orange juice right now, it would taste sweet. But if you first ate some sweets then drank the same juice, it could taste unpleasantly bitter.”
“Mike Pence is the kind of guy that brushes his teeth and then drinks orange juice and thinks, ‘Mmm.’”
“I like to drink my juice immediately after a workout, because that’s the best time to have your sugars.”
“I hope my tongue in prune juice smothers, If I belittle dogs and mothers.”
“I got hit with an octopus in Detroit one time. It was the most gross thing I’ve ever had happen. I got it right in the back of the neck; all the juice was coming down. It was awful.”
“It’s part of the juice of sports that you tend to find certain sports figures that you cheer on from other cities and others that you’re a bit skeptical about.”
“We have to ask ourselves, ‘What kind of world is it where a baby-food executive substitutes artificial flavoring and sugar for apple juice? What kind of businesses have we created when we even lie to infants?’”
“I’m bonkers about juicing. I got into it when I lived in L.A. – I’d juice three times a day.”
“Orange juice from concentrate is labeled. Food coloring Red #5 is labeled. Fish are labeled as to whether they’ve been previously frozen. To a consumer, there’s no plausible reason why these factors should be on a food ingredient label while the presence of GMOs shouldn’t be.”
“Wine is crying juice. Rum is worse.”
“Even though the show is called ‘Childrens Hospital,’ we don’t use kids a lot. They always want a juice box or a fruit roll up or a nap.”
“I love the smell of juice boxes in the morning.”
“I’m taking Viagra and drinking prune juice – I don’t know if I’m coming or going.”
“Actually, after the release of the Bond film, the producers came back to me to offer me another one, but I didn’t have any juice left for an immediate encore.”
“An artist looks at a juice bottle, an egg carton, or a newspaper and sees something valuable in them.”
“I eat a lot. I probably eat more than anybody that I know. I’ll go on set and get a plate of bacon, a bagel, an omelet, boiled eggs, fresh fruit, oatmeal, fresh juice, potatoes, basically anything that’s there. I don’t mean that I alternate between these things. I’ll eat all of this for breakfast.”
“I’m not a fan of aggressive meathead dudes who spend three hours at the gym, drink protein shakes, talk about lifting and what juice they’re trying.”
“The citric acid in lemon juice makes it perfect for bleaching, disinfecting and cutting through grease. And olive oil is a great alternative to furniture polish.”
“Every meal I eat, I be like, ‘Can I get some orange juice?’”
“Come over here and sit on my knee and finish your orange juice.”
“Fresh juice is my favorite, but I do love a tasty protein shake.”
“I use a lot of citrus for seasoning. There’s lemon or lime juice in just about everything, and that balances with salt very nicely. Things like toasted cumin seeds for the beans. The use of fresh herbs like oregano and cilantro.”
“There’s plenty of juice to keep this economy going.”
“I juice beetroots, carrots, celery, pineapples, or anything in my fridge that’s left over. I just chuck it all in – it’s very good for cleansing your system.”
“I love apple juice.”
“Before I was pregnant, I drank fresh beetroot juice every day, which is anti-inflammatory. I couldn’t live without my juicer.”
“Juice fasting destroys your metabolic rate. I see a lot of women who are like, ‘Oh, I lost seven pounds and then I gained 10.’ That’s not what detoxification is about.”
“I squeeze oranges every morning to make juice.”
“A lot of times, I don’t just do juice; I do the whole thing blended to keep the fiber.”
“I must always have fresh orange juice, alkaline water and hazelnut creamer for my coffee.”
“Truth, like the juice of the poppy, in small quantities, calms men; in larger, heats and irritates them, and is attended by fatal consequences in excess.”
“The combination of olive oil, garlic and lemon juice lifts the spirits in winter.”
“I keep returning to the combination of artichoke, broad beans and lemon. The freshness of young beans and the lemon juice ‘lifts’ the artichoke and balances its hearty nature.”
“As with lemon juice, the more sorrel you use, the more it has to be balanced with something sweet, starchy or creamy – it’s a yin-yang approach to cooking that I find rather calming.”
“Jerusalem artichokes have a great affinity with nuts. I love them with chopped walnuts or almonds, lemon juice, garlic, herbs and plenty of olive oil.”
“One Indian-inspired favourite of mine is mashed potato mixed with lemon juice, breadcrumbs, coriander and chilli, shaped into patties, fried and served with chutney and yoghurt.”
“I’m obsessed with Juice Press – they’re everywhere. I spend so much money at that place it’s crazy.”
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