“I’m very much a lead by example person.”
“I try to lead by example, being conscious of others and being responsible.”
“Yes, I introduced the congressional pay cut bill, cutting our salaries by five percent. And I think we have to lead by example.”
“If things are not going well on the field, then it’s up to me to lead by example.”
“I’m not super outgoing, but I think the biggest thing I can do is lead by example.”
“The best kind of parent you can be is to lead by example.”
“By far, the greatest contribution Ireland can make is to lead by example, by actively pursuing its own transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy.”
“But I also hold the very strong view that republicans need to lead by example.”
“I lead by example. Everybody sees it.”
“I think that’s kind of who I am. I just try to be vocal and try to lead by example.”
“I’m the type of guy that likes to lead by example.”
“Government is supposed to lead by example in many cases. Government that’s not particularly caring and is hands-off is not particularly inspiring.”
“Leaders in all spheres who are living with HIV should be encouraged, not coerced, to lead by example and disclose their HIV status.”
“Don’t just tell your kids to be active and to get outside and play. Lead by example.”
“I try to lead by example.”
“Lead by example. Be better than those you despise.”
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