“I worked at Planned Parenthood for eight years, rising through the ranks from volunteer escort to clinic counselor to clinic director.”
“We live in an era of revolution, the revolution of rising expectations.”
“Technology investment drove growth in the 1990s, both directly and by fueling a rising stock market that led to increased consumer spending.”
“When Texans suffered from the collapse of the oil market in the 1980s, they could rely on the fiscal union to help them. When Texas boomed with rising oil prices in the 2000s, it contributed to the union to help harder hit regions.”
“In the typical economic recovery, a resurgent housing sector helps fuel reemployment and rising incomes.”
“I have no influence with the rising generation. All my arguments have failed to induce them to set bounds to their wants.”
“Christ was God in human flesh, and He proved it by rising from the dead.”
“The Negroes are facing the alternative of rising in the sphere of production to supply their proportion of the manufacturers and merchants or of going down to the graves of paupers.”
“A new forum is needed that reflects the realities of today’s globalised world and the rising importance of emerging markets.”
“I’m for innovation and a commitment to a rising tide that lifts all boats for all Americans.”
“Let others hail the rising sun: I bow to that whose course is run.”
“Prominent scientists have become increasingly convinced that the connection between carbon emissions and rising temperatures is real, but skeptics have whole truckloads of studies to demonstrate the opposite.”
“’The Rising’ isn’t Springsteen’s masterpiece.”
“Rising energy costs kill jobs and hit America’s poorest the hardest.”
“Rising student-loan debt is an economic emergency.”
“With rising incomes, the share of expenditures for food products declines. The resulting shift in expenditures affects demand patterns and employment structures.”
“The bourgeoisie and the petty bourgeoisie have armed themselves against the rising proletariat with, among other things, ‘culture.’”
“It’s normally the kiss of death to be identified as a rising star, or someone to watch.”
“In the 1960s, as a rising defense intellectual, Kissinger was a Nelson Rockefeller man, firmly entrenched in the center-right establishment. When he attended the infamous 1964 Republican convention in San Francisco, he was horrified by Goldwater supporters, whom he likened to fascists.”
“By June 1974, Treasury Secretary George Shultz was already suggesting that rising oil prices could result in a ‘highly advantageous mutual bargain’ between the United States and petroleum-producing countries in the Middle East.”
“The Magna Carta was the first class-based charter, enforced on the monarchy by the rising class.”
“Healthcare costs are rising, and not just Medicare and Medicaid, but healthcare in general.”
“The conventional Aristotelian plot proceeds by means of a protagonist, an antagonist, and a series of events comprising a rising action, climax and denouement.”
“In flush times, a rising tide of consumption can compensate for less than optimal branding, positioning, pricing or segmentation.”
“Too often, the public can fall into the trap of investing when stock prices are rising, not dropping.”
“Higher educating has so many challenges, and private higher education has a special challenge of ever rising tuition costs.”
“Dear friends of Haiti, we are indeed on the right track. Slowly but surely we are rising from the ashes.”
“I’m very proud of ‘Valhalla Rising.’”
“He is now rising from affluence to poverty.”
“Generally, a rising trend in rates is bearish for stocks; a falling trend is bullish.”
“He’s passed from rising hope to elder statesman without any intervening period whatsoever.”
“China’s continued growth and rising household income are creating opportunities for lower-income economies in low-cost manufacturing.”
“It is true that we are made of dust. And the world is also made of dust. But the dust has motes rising.”
“Rising fuel prices, growing agrarian distress, and unemployment are the three major issues to dominate the 2020 general elections.”
“The sea is not rising. It hasn’t risen in 50 years.”
“In essence, the tragedy of the Warsaw Rising resulted from a systemic breakdown of the Grand Alliance.”
“Devout Anatolian masses rising from poverty have transformed Turkey politically and economically.”
“The history of the twentieth century – America’s century! – has been pretty much a history of rising prices.”
“I’m Pisces with Leo rising. The Pisces part is the dreamer. The Leo says, ‘Let’s execute.’”
“There has been a rising tide of criticism about China’s treatment of foreign companies.”
“I have a horror of not rising above mediocrity.”
“Bourgeois class domination is undoubtedly an historical necessity, but, so too, the rising of the working class against it. Capital is an historical necessity, but, so too, its grave digger, the socialist proletariat.”
“Rising anti-Semitism is rarely the lone or the last expression of intolerance in a society.”
“The G-20,with all its inadequacies, is a mixed group of the world’s rising and risen powers.”
“Rising inequality has changed family dynamics for all socioeconomic groups.”
“The real goal should be reduced government spending, rather than balanced budgets achieved by ever rising tax rates to cover ever rising spending.”
“The rising cost of prescription drugs has sparked a prairie fire that is spreading across our nation.”
“A rising tide lifts most boats. But some boats require patching.”
“The good rising fastball is the best pitch in baseball.”
“Knowing that you have something you have to deal with, rising to the occasion, builds character.”
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