“I really can’t complain about actresses who get paid to be dumb. Most of us can’t get paid to be smart.”
“There are lots of offers that I am getting. I can’t complain.”
“The tourist may complain of other tourists, but he would be lost without them.”
“Am I going to complain about being typecast as smart? I don’t think so.”
“I’m neurotic. I complain all the time. I’m a workaholic. And I’m never satisfied.”
“If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it.”
“I’m not going to complain to New Yorkers about working too hard.”
“Never complain and never explain.”
“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain – and most fools do.”
“So when I was told to work, ten, twelve hours a day as an assistant pro, I didn’t complain. It was normal.”
“I’m very content with my work, and I never complain.”
“Deal with the Devil if the Devil has a constituency – and don’t complain about the heat.”
“I am not disposed to complain that I have planted and others have gathered the fruits.”
“I get to stay active and that is my job at the moment, so I can’t complain.”
“A lot of people cry and complain and put their hand out and beg. It never goes well.”
“I don’t complain.”
“Even if the music industry simply gave away all their music people would complain that they don’t have the bandwidth to download all the stuff – the problem would merely shift from availability to distribution.”
“I got a bronze medal and I can’t complain about that, the only African-American to get a medal in the Winter Olympics.”
“I’ve eaten things that didn’t complain this much.”
“All kids should vote – it gives them the opportunity to whinge afterwards because you can’t complain if you haven’t voted.”
“Actors are divas, and we all make too much noise and complain too much, so if you don’t do that, it makes you rather exceptional, apparently.”
“I don’t complain if I get a hard tackle.”
“If I ever complain about yachting around the Mediterranean with Madonna, who I just idolized as a child, I should be slapped across the face.”
“I write about messy relationships, and they put pastel covers on them, but I can’t complain.”
“I’m not really happy with my football career, but I can’t complain about it, either.”
“I’ve done a lot of stupid things, but in most cases I can’t complain about the outcomes.”
“Short-sellers perform a useful function in the market as conduits of negative information, and shorts often complain that they are discriminated against by regulators.”
“If one is satisfied with things, one doesn’t complain about the downsides that exist, either.”
“We have first raised a dust and then complain we cannot see.”
“Our farmers round, well pleased with constant gain, Like other farmers, flourish and complain.”
“I wouldn’t want to ever complain about having the opportunity to audition.”
“It’s very hard to complain about society if you don’t get involved.”
“If the laws could speak for themselves, they would complain of the lawyers.”
“I love being a part of the family and all that. I can’t complain about it.”
“Russians don’t complain, usually.”
“If man makes himself a worm he must not complain when he is trodden on.”
“’Tis the voice of the sluggard; I heard him complain, you have waked me too soon, I must slumber again.”
“He who has provoked the lash of wit, cannot complain that he smarts from it.”
“We’re facing serious issues. We can either complain about it or try to step in and solve it.”
“The Democrats complain; I choose to compete.”
“Those who do not complain are never pitied.”
“If people are going to complain about stereotyping, it’s as likely to be Italian-Americans as gay people.”
“I can’t complain about the roles that have come my way.”
“Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness.”
“I don’t like to complain.”
“I have so much to be grateful for, so there is no reason to complain.”
“Modern education has devoted itself to the teaching of impudence, and then we complain that we can no longer control our mobs.”
“Till people find themselves greatly abused and oppressed by their governors, they are not apt to complain; and whenever they do, in fact, find themselves thus abused and oppressed, they must be stupid not to complain.”
“Who in the GOP would complain if Trump federalizes ‘stop and frisk’ or encourages its proliferation in states using the power of the Justice Department purse?”
“Everything is going so great. I can’t complain.”
“I had a very loyal cult-like following, I feel. And I don’t mean to complain about that.”
“Somebody can’t complain when they enjoy going to work and enjoy the people they work with.”
“Never complain. Never explain.”
“I read the papers like everybody else, so I don’t complain about what they print.”
“So, Hitchcock wouldn’t say anything about my work in the movie but, on the other hand, he wouldn’t complain, either.”
“When I have difficulties, I will not complain.”
“I personally think we developed language because of our deep need to complain.”
“I’ve never once heard my mom complain about her stroke.”
“I play in the Champions League. I don’t have anything to complain about.”
“Authors from whom others steal should not complain, but rejoice. Where there is no game there are no poachers.”
“What annoyances are more painful than those of which we cannot complain?”
“It’s so much easier to complain about something than celebrate it.”
“Hey, I’d love to have a hit single, but if that doesn’t happen, I’m not going to complain.”
“Japanese people, they’re not really one to complain.”
“I can’t complain. I think when you get to a certain point, you shouldn’t complain because there’s so many people who would kill to get to this point.”
“When we complain to Egypt’s Western allies about whichever autocrat is in power, we are asked, ‘But who is the alternative?’ It is a question designed to frustrate.”
“I was taught when there’s somethin’ you can change around keep quiet, you got nothin’ to complain about.”
“All right, then nobody can complain if we ask pregnant women to make parachute jumps.”
“The French complain of everything, and always.”
“Since the commencement of 1830, I had been living with Mr. Joseph Travis, who was to me a kind master and placed the greatest confidence in me; in fact, I had no cause to complain of his treatment of me.”
“I want to hear Damon Lindelof complain about broadcast when he goes to the bank to cash his ‘Lost’ checks.”
“I think judging a shuttle is different everywhere, so there is a drift, but you have to be used to it. We can’t complain, as I think it is same for all.”
“To get asked to do stuff like ‘United States Of Tara’ and ‘Caprica’ is terrific. I can’t complain.”
“Pacquiao has generated a lot of positive press for our sport, and that is something no one can complain about.”
“I haven’t found anything to complain about. But being Scottish, it won’t be long.”
“I criticise myself a lot. My friends complain about it.”
“I can’t complain about my career, that’s for sure.”
“I was fortunately always offered jobs because I was so pretty. Women used to complain about it!”
“The world is so dreadfully managed, one hardly knows to whom to complain.”
“I have a great life, and I can’t really complain.”
“You can’t complain or have a say if you don’t vote.”
“I have the sort of round face that you complain about when you’re younger, but which serves you well as you get older.”
“People like to complain.”
“I don’t think I have the mileage on me to really complain of any injuries yet.”
“I don’t complain.”
“We complain of the increased tempo of our lives, but our frenetic lives are just reflection of the economic system that we have created.”
“Liberals complain that coal activity isn’t a major producer of jobs because the industry is producing a lot more coal with a lot fewer workers. That is absolutely true. Ladies and gentlemen, that is called productivity.”
“If I complain about a traffic jam, I have no one to blame but myself.”
“I can’t complain about the way I’ve been marketed because it’s been so successful.”
“People complain when ads aren’t relevant, and they complain when ads are too relevant.”
“The battle between server and servee is as ancient as it is well disguised, and it follows, therefore, that waiters have developed a private lingo that allows them to mock, complain, or simply entertain themselves.”
“I make a living playing rock n’ roll. I’m not going to complain about anything.”
“I don’t complain when it’s sunny.”
“I guess I have never been much of a complainer. You just take what is given you, and don’t complain about what you can’t affect.”
“People complain about my exclamation points, but I honestly think that’s the way people think. I don’t think people think in essays; it’s one exclamation point to another.”
“I could work 24 hours and I wouldn’t complain once because I’m happiest when I’m working.”
“Never explain, never complain.”
“I have nothing to complain about.”
“It’s intimidating for guys to hear women complain about their boyfriends. Guys imagine that girls are thrilled to have them around, and this is what they really talk about.”
“Cops have been complaining about morale since police forces were created. I used to complain about it a lot when I was a young cop.”
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