“I don’t rely on my figure to sell records.”
“I’ve had to sell a lot of art, which I’ve hated to do because I really love the art I have.”
“In France, you can sell a lot, but nobody outside of France ever hears of it.”
“For decades, Wall Street has charged companies a standard fee of 7 percent to sell their shares to the public.”
“Corporate executives often buy or sell shares in their companies, and stocks rarely rise or fall significantly when those transactions are reported.”
“I actually did use to sell shoes.”
“My biggest thing is that I never want to sell out. Or be a sellout.”
“When you sell cars in the U.S., it forces you to be the most competitive.”
“I did not sell Amway, but I sold Shaklee, which was an Amway-type product sold through multi-level marketing.”
“I do not have a merchandise line. I don’t sell knives or apparel. Though I have been approached to endorse various products from liquor to airlines to automobiles to pharmaceuticals dozens of times, I have managed to resist the temptation.”
“When we sell paper in Asia, we sell them things such as their corrugator rolls as well as paper.”
“What we sell are not products… that customers are going to put in a closet and forget.”
“Many candidates use a political autobiography to sell their candidacy.”
“Anyone who’d sell out a whole town wouldn’t hesitate to double-cross one man.”
“Salesmen always need something to sell.”
“I don’t like to sell my finest pieces.”
“Buy what thou hast no need of and ere long thou shalt sell thy necessities.”
“It’s important for me to sell a product that works.”
“I can sell anything. I’m very convincing.”
“Pet stores just sell their animals.”
“It’s not a hard sell to be asked to do something in Ireland.”
“I would love to sell millions of records, but that’s never gonna be the case.”
“In the factory we make cosmetics; in the drugstore we sell hope.”
“I’ve absolutely fought against having to be half-naked to sell a track.”
“Because we do not sell photographs, we have no royalties on books, posters, postcards.”
“We don’t sell technical drawings except when they are incorporated into a drawing or a collage.”
“My goal was never to sell many records.”
“The summer of 1976 was so hot that bars of chocolate melted on the shelves before confectioners could sell them.”
“Some books are well-received with critics; other books sell.”
“Ninety-nine percent of advertising doesn’t sell much of anything.”
“If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative.”
“I have no stories to sell. A lot of my relationships are with civilians, and no one wants to hear about those.”
“Nowadays people sell millions of records that can’t sing.”
“Apart from me, Tyson Fury, and Deontay Wilder, you can’t sell out Wembley.”
“I’m gonna be making records anyway, even if I had to sell ’em out of the trunk of my car. I’m that kind of musician and singer.”
“You’ve got to be able to sell yourself.”
“I couldn’t sell air conditioners on a 98-degree day. When I demonstrated them in a showroom, I pushed the wrong button and blew the circuit.”
“I like bands that don’t necessarily sell the most records.”
“Don’t sell your soul to buy peanuts for the monkeys.”
“To buy happiness is to sell soul.”
“I wear clothes and sell products and ideas.”
“A real collector does not sell.”
“If nobody can sell mortgage-backed securities based on trillions of dollars of unpayable instruments, there’s a lot less risk in the overall system.”
“I actually don’t think that I’m gonna sell a lot of records.”
“My primary thing is to make a painting, not necessarily to make a painting to sell for gazillions of dollars, but just to make a painting.”
“Awards and nominations really help sell films.”
“If you don’t sell, it’s not the product that’s wrong, it’s you.”
“It’s hard to sell merchandise off YouTube.”
“I’ve had the experience of having a book praised but then it doesn’t sell. Or not praised but then it sells.”
“The term ‘sell out’ is juvenile and naive.”
“Of course, I want to sell this record – there’s no point making it otherwise.”
“I’m a label that wants to sell. I believe in clothes.”
“I’d like to retire at 50 but I don’t want to sell papers in the middle of London on a Zimmer.”
“Honestly, when I got to Hollywood I was trying to sell my songs.”
“I deal in volume. To sell volume, it must be affordable. So that’s my whole life, is to make it affordable.”
“I just have friends that don’t sell their pictures to newspapers.”
“If it sells, it sells. If it doesn’t sell, I’ll go make a movie.”
“When your IQ rises to 28, sell.”
“I was a gang leader. Although, it was a gang for defensive purposes. It was not a gang to sell drugs.”
“I just wrote what I felt like writing since they seemed to sell.”
“I always told Hitch that it would have been better to put seats around the set and sell tickets.”
“The killer whale Tilikum has helped SeaWorld sell millions of dollars worth of tickets.”
“If it has to sell its mascot, your team sucks.”
“Never sell the bear’s skin before one has killed the beast.”
“We have a wide range of looks that address all the different types of women we cater to in all of the different territories we sell to.”
“I told you to sell it, not give it away.”
“The vocals are what immediately draw people in and sell the song.”
“I sell escapism.”
“I think that, by comparison with $2,000 bottles of grand cru Burgundies, first-rate barolos, which sell for under $100, are undervalued ten-fold.”
“I’m not itching to sue Amazon or Wal-Mart… they sell a lot of books. But the future is very uncertain with books.”
“My father would make record after record, and he’d be so surprised at what would sell and what wouldn’t.”
“One Earth, one mother – one does not sell the Earth.”
“We didn’t sell a lot of records, but somehow we left an impression.”
“I need to reach a lot of people to sell records.”
“All businesses need images to sell their products and services.”
“Anyone can contribute images, and we sell them to designers and agencies all over the world.”
“Minority views expressed in films simply don’t sell tickets.”
“Did you really think I would sell you out?”
“I did a pilot for Anything But Love in 1988 that didn’t sell.”
“I want to sell out arenas and sell millions of records.”
“I’m not going sell out on the people of state of Florida.”
“I do sell fun.”
“Unless I’ve got Katy Perry on the cover of my CD, it’s going to be tough to sell a lot of records.”
“Great products sell themselves.”
“Galleries, and they’re all the same, and rightly so, they sell work.”
“The ones that sell the most aren’t the ones that are remembered.”
“If I was going to sell out, I would do it for more than 10,000 records.”
“I didn’t write the book to sell the book, but to tell my experiences.”
“I guess I invented extended warranties, because that’s all we had to sell at Chrysler in those days.”
“Please don’t throw phones. They hurt. And we sell them on eBay.”
“I sell these intermediate bond portfolios for people that can’t go to stocks.”
“The thing to do is to buy and sell.”
“Never sell, never franchise.”
“I sell out shows. My performance is top-tier.”
“I’m not much of a salesman. I prefer the soft sell and the honest approach.”
“I really had no program or any established plan. I didn’t even ask myself if I should sell my paintings or not.”
“We don’t sell data; we don’t allow anyone to sell data.”
“Glamour is what I sell, it’s my stock in trade.”
“People assume I sell a lot more records than I actually do. I really don’t sell any.”
“Hundreds of data-mining companies sell landlords tenant-screening reports that list past evictions and court filings.”
“I sell a lot of ebooks from my website and encourage authors to set up their own stores.”
“You’ve got to sell fights; you’ve got to be entertaining.”
“Don’t sell your publishing.”
“If I cut an album now and sell it for ten bucks, I can put seven dollars and fifty cents in my pocket.”
“I had a few stocks, but stocks took a dive. I never sell my stocks.”
“If you tried to sell Mike Birbiglia as a concept, no one would buy it.”
“I know how to sell books.”
“There’s never been a better time to sell properties.”
“I’m not an entertainer; I’m an engager. I never sell myself, in a sense.”
“No one’s promised anything. You could have the biggest record on radio and sell no records.”
“I have, oddly, two ski houses – trying to sell one.”
“The more sins you confess, the more books you will sell.”
“Our goal definitely isn’t to sell Stripe.”
“I don’t really sell many records.”
“If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we’d all be millionaires.”
“We should not use crippled children to sell hamburgers. Ever.”
“I’d rather sell 10,000 records that represent me than 2 million that don’t represent me at all.”
“You can’t sell thermal power without the competitive bidding.”
“A bookstore has thousands of titles to sell. You need to be the guy the store attendant recommends to the reader.”
“Let’s make what Americans buy. Buy what Americans make. And sell it to the world.”
“Rock bands were never newsworthy. In the ’60s and ’70s, rock bands weren’t in the newspapers because they weren’t considered mainstream; they wouldn’t sell papers.”
“I want to sell music. That’s all I’m interested in selling.”
“Critics don’t sell records, unfortunately. No one reads what they write anyway.”
“If you’re shameless enough, you can sell anything.”
“I will never sell Flipkart.”
“James Salter has talents on the page we novelists would sell souls to the devil for.”
“I spent four of my five years at Stanford writing a novel I was unable to sell.”
“Things that price at $4.99 sell very differently than things that price at $5.”
“I’m relentless. My mother says I could sell ice to the Eskimos.”
“Anyone can sell product by dropping their prices, but it does not breed loyalty.”
“I wouldn’t sell those New York actors short.”
“A lot of us have energy that we can tap into. We sell ourselves short.”
“There’s a blockbuster side to Knopf, whether it’s P. D. James or John le Carre or our best-selling books. We try to sell our writers as aggressively as those houses regarded as commercial with a capital C.”
“It’s a lot of work to sell one thing on the Internet.”
“I’ve never worked in a retail store, but I did sell shoes at Gimme Shoes in San Francisco, a job I was fired from.”
“What we learned was that the collective glamour of a specialty store could sell a lot of merchandise.”
“Not on my watch will we sell or transfer our public lands.”
“Our stadium seats over 80,000, and we sell all of our tickets.”
“Creative things have to sell to get acknowledged as such.”
“Ten million 16-year-old girls would sell their right arm to live the life that I’ve had.”
“Anything that won’t sell, I don’t want to invent. Its sale is proof of utility, and utility is success.”
“Who wants to lose or sell a player? Nobody does.”
“I don’t really care about, Oh I really have to sell these things.”
“My aspirations aren’t to sell millions of records, but to write really good songs.”
“Sooner or later, we sell out for money.”
“Awards sell tickets, and they’re a clever publicity stunt.”
“Agents are still asking for millions of dollars for actors that don’t sell one ticket.”
“We are in a world that is quite extremist and extremism makes more noise. Normality does not sell.”
“What changed our lives forever was when Malcolm had the idea to sell rock ‘n roll records to trendy customers.”
“We’re gonna totally sell out and try to dominate the world.”
“If the other fellow sells cheaper than you, it is called dumping. ‘Course, if you sell cheaper than him, that’s mass production.”
“Celery leaves are an underused ingredient, most likely because supermarkets sell mostly leafless stalks.”
“My first professional job was to sell heavy-duty waterless cookware.”
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