“I’m obsessed with Radiohead. They’re just the greatest band on the planet.”
“I know that I was put on this planet to be an athlete.”
“Meghan Markle is one of the loveliest human beings on the planet, in the world.”
“I’m not just the best in NXT; I’m not just the best in the WWE: I’m the best on the freaking planet.”
“Cheap Trick has played with every band on the planet.”
“The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet.”
“Life on the planet is born of woman.”
“I’m an all-or-nothing guy. When I’m working, I work, work, work, work, work, and when I’m not, I’m the laziest sloth this planet has ever provided us.”
“The planet’s resources are rare; we must consume more ethically and equitably.”
“Of course Pluto is a planet: It’s massive enough to have its shape controlled by gravity rather than material strength, which is the hallmark of planethood.”
“I’m the one who originally coined the term ‘dwarf planet,’ back in the nineteen-nineties.”
“Maybe this world is another planet’s hell.”
“The day we dispose of the idea of disposability will be a great one for the planet.”
“I just feel this is my planet.”
“I refuse to accept Pluto’s resignation as a planet.”
“In my view, the best gift is one that benefits both the receiver and the planet.”
“Cristiano Ronaldo’s a special player, but Messi’s from another planet.”
“There’s seven billion people on the planet. It’s not about you.”
“My husband is the most brilliant father on the planet.”
“International cooperation is vital to keeping our globe safe, commerce flowing, and our planet habitable.”
“I came into this world the way every person on the planet does – with clenched fists.”
“Humans have obviously contributed a great deal of carbon to the atmosphere. So we are warming the planet up.”
“I’d make every weapon on the planet unusable. Every bomb. Every gun.”
“Surfing is simply the most fun I know how to have on this planet.”
“I’m open to any welterweight on Planet Earth.”
“If I hadn’t given my money away, I’d have had more than anyone else on the planet.”
“The fossil fuel industry is destroying our planet and everything that we love.”
“The examples of the Obama Administration ‘stimulating’ jobs everywhere on the planet except here in America are endless.”
“Protecting our Great Lakes and conserving this resource for the next generation is critical both for surrounding communities and our planet as a whole.”
“I’m not a gourmet. I just like the planet.”
“My dad is the most humble man on the planet.”
“My favourite thing to do on this planet is to scuba dive.”
“The boundary between space and the earth is purely arbitrary. And I’ll probably always be interested in this planet – it’s my favorite.”
“Phone networks can capture life on our planet.”
“Saturn itself is a giant planet, and there’s much to be gained by investigating its meteorology and studying its magnetic field.”
“We live – on a spinning planet in a world of spin.”
“It’s wonderful to hear strings on ‘Planet Claire’.”
“Joss Whedon is the best man on the planet.”
“I’m the most well-rounded fighter on the planet.”
“I have this idea of trying to catalog all the genes on the planet.”
“Energy is probably the most pressing demand on our planet.”
“San Francisco is one of my favorite cities on the planet.”
“Animals are companions on this planet, not necessarily our feedbags.”
“Nobody else is Tiger Woods. Not on this planet.”
“Basic science provides long-term benefits for ourselves and our fragile planet and should be supported by all the world’s societies.”
“We have altered the physical, chemical and biological properties of the planet on a geological scale. We have left no part of the globe untouched.”
“When stars form a planet, they come in a bunch.”
“My goal is to leave this planet with the biggest carbon footprint I can possibly leave.”
“We’re the only species that have crapped up the planet and the only species that can clean it up.”
“Reducing and removing greenhouse gas emissions spares our planet from the well-documented degradation that we are witnessing on a global basis.”
“Jackie Chan is the best storyteller on this planet.”
“London is one of the most enchanting places I’ve ever been on this planet.”
“Phyllida Lloyd is probably the sweetest person on the planet.”
“The planet is alive, and it’s a woman.”
“I’m very flattered, but I don’t think I’m the sexiest man on the planet.”
“I’ve been studying the planets and learning the personalities of each planet.”
“The variety of genes on the planet in viruses exceeds, or is likely to exceed, that in all of the rest of life combined.”
“I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.”
“I’m the luckiest man on the planet.”
“The giant squid has the biggest eyes of any animal on the planet. It’s a visual predator.”
“Chiapas is probably the main concern I have right now for the planet.”
“Tech is a funny industry; I don’t think there is any other industry on the planet that reinvents itself every 10-12 years.”
“I’ve probably tried every curly-hair product on the planet!”
“There are nearly 7 billion people on this planet, so there are a lot of characters to play.”
“I do pottery. I love it. It’s very relaxing; it takes me to another planet.”
“My role on the planet is to bring the power of sound.”
“The planet doesn’t require saving, and actually hasn’t asked Greenpeace to save it.”
“When I first broke in, I wanted to be the best technical wrestler on the planet.”
“Broadway performers are the best-trained people on the planet.”
“High school’s like another planet.”
“Fashion designers seem the busiest people on the planet.”
“’Earth’ is a silly name for this planet.”
“Occasionally the state of the planet can knock me off my perky perch.”
“Love is the most ferocious and strongest force on the planet.”
“I was pretty young when I saw the original ‘Planet of the Apes’, and for a time in the seventies, I was pretty obsessed with it.”
“Well, I had a fiddle that I really can’t play, so I loaned it to Darrell. But yeah, he’s from another planet.”
“’Stand-Up Planet’ was Anthony Bourdain-meets-stand-up comedy.”
“It’s very exciting that people could actually live on another planet.”
“We must act swiftly in order to halt the rate of decay our planet faces.”
“Hip-hop is all over the planet.”
“As for me, I’m just passin’ through this planet.”
“The problem is not the oil, but what they do with the oil. The United States is the biggest spender of oil and of all the planet resources.”
“I hereby accuse the North American empire of being the biggest menace to our planet.”
“The U.S. people have a major role to play to solve, to save this planet.”
“The United States is the biggest spender of oil and of all the planet resources. Oil is a very valuable resource for life – electric heaters. We must have to transition ourselves to a post-oil era.”
“What we’re doing to the planet is inexcusable.”
“Lionel Messi is on a different planet to anyone.”
“I’ve heard it said that the most dangerous animal on the planet is the adolescent male.”
“I want to be the most durable person on the planet.”
“Messi is from another planet.”
“The particle and the planet are subject to the same laws and what is learned of one will be known of the other.”
“The biggest problem that we have on the face of the planet is Iran getting a nuclear weapon.”
“Bitcoin can be programmed, metered, and exchanged by connected devices, enabling more efficient usage of our planet’s resources and services.”
“We need to transform the economy so it works for people and the planet.”
“Protecting our planet is a moral imperative.”
“We’ve moved from a small world on a big planet to a big world on a small planet.”
“We live on a human-dominated planet, putting unprecedented pressure on the systems on Earth.”
“The astrologers and historians write that the ascendant as of Oxford is Capricornus, whose lord is Saturn, a religious planet, and patron of religious men.”
“I have had the privilege to be a member of many high-performance teams at NASA, both on and off the planet.”
“Hubble uniquely has been able to look in the atmosphere of a planet orbiting a nearby star and figure out what’s in that atmosphere.”
“Alfred Molina is one of the nicest people on the planet and a complete master.”
“Our planet is warming dangerously.”
“I don’t know whether I like this planet or not. But I have to accept it.”
“Climate change poses an existential threat to the planet that is no less dire than that posed by North Korea’s nuclear ambitions.”
“I was a ‘Planet of the Apes’-obsessed kid.”
“The planet is beautiful.”
“Every breath we take as human beings damages the planet.”
“I have cellulite, just like almost every other woman on the planet.”
“I wasn’t making music consciously when I was younger. I was a musician, but that has its own stigmas. Anywhere on the planet, it’s one of the more undervalued positions.”
“Hello from above our magnificent planet Earth.”
“To be sure, governments will remain critical to any comprehensive effort to save our planet.”
“Swimming has been a very effective medium for telling a story about the state of our planet.”
“I used to be known as one of the strongest guys on the planet.”
“We got rich lawyers… The best lawyers on the planet.”
“Full disclosure here – I had a terrible crush on Smokey Robinson, like every other female on the planet.”
“We speak often of ‘destroying the planet’ when what we mean is destroying its habitability for humans.”
“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”
“I’m obsessed with my couch. I have the greenest couch on the planet.”
“To survive as a species on this planet, we’re going to have to see ourselves as Earthlings.”
“The threat to the planet is us. It’s actually not a threat to the planet – it’s a threat to us.”
“You have got to give. There is no other reason to be on the planet.”
“When America does what’s right, it’s such a light on this planet.”
“At its core, HP has the best technologists on the planet Earth.”
“Industrialisation, mass transit, and the Internet are technological revolutions that have reshaped lives, nations, and the planet.”
“When I read ‘Planet Terror,’ it was like nothing I had ever read before remotely, and yet it has so many references.”
“Israel is one of the greatest and most modern democracies on the planet.”
“I looked like a ‘Super Mario Bros.’ Goomba. It’s arguably the ugliest haircut on the planet.”
“To claim that ISIS is Islamic is egregiously inaccurate and empirically unsustainable, not to mention insulting to the 1.6 billion non-violent adherents of Islam across the planet.”
“We are on a very rich emotional and physical journey on this planet.”
“Hollywood is much more than America. Hollywood belongs to all of the planet.”
“’Desperate Housewives’ – there’s no man on the planet that takes that personally, but if it were ‘Desperate Househusbands,’ they would shut ABC down.”
“Man’s world is the planet of inexperience.”
“I must know good yoga classes in about 25 cities on this planet.”
“I always wanted to do a sci-fi movie, but most sci-fi scripts are either about saving the planet or fighting aliens.”
“There is no state with a democracy except Libya on the whole planet.”
“Our planet doesn’t seem to be the result of anything very special.”
“The unfortunate thing about this planet is that we are in no shortage of ignorance.”
“Let’s make Holberton one of the biggest schools on the face of the planet.”
“I have an enormous personal ambition. I want to shift the entire planet.”
“Gather all Leaves in the hour of that Planet that governs them.”
“There are probably already too many people on the planet.”
“Pillow talk is the strongest conversation on the planet.”
“This war in Iraq is part of a larger effort to remove this terrorist threat from the planet.”
“The planet is being polluted with many forms of wastes.”
“This planet came with a set of instructions, but we seem to have misplaced them. Civilization needs a new operating system.”
“We are the only species on the planet without full employment. Brilliant.”
“The planet’s forests are essential for life.”
“Fungi are the grand recyclers of the planet and the vanguard species in habitat restoration.”
“The oceans are the last free place on the planet.”
“It’s a war, I think, to save the planet, really, from ourselves.”
“We live on the most incredible planet, and yet we abuse it, and we abuse it mercilessly.”
“I would love to set foot on another planet – lunar or Mars or somewhere.”
“Songs won’t save the planet, but neither will books or speeches.”
“In 1750, 75 percent of people on the planet worked to support the top 25 percent.”
“A writer is a palmist, reading the lines of the planet.”
“I feel I’m probably the luckiest guy on the planet to lead Accenture.”
“On an increasingly crowded planet, humanity faces many threats – but none is greater than climate change. It magnifies every hazard and tension of our existence.”
“We see an entire planet which has many limitations.”
“Once we have inexpensive energy, we can readily and inexpensively convert the vast amount of dirty and salinated water we have on the planet to usable water.”
“Civilization… wrecks the planet from seafloor to stratosphere.”
“There are some problems on this planet that seem to be intractable.”
“I started in the era when Hollywood reveled in being the most cost-inefficient industry on the planet. They used to commission a hundred scripts for every one they made.”
“I am normally the manly-ish girl on the planet.”
“Music is for every single person that walks the planet.”
“At one time, I had it notarised that I was from another planet. By a lawyer.”
“I am from the planet of elegance.”
“We are all doing drag. Every single person on this planet is doing it.”
“I’ve done a lot of roles where I’m the hero saving the planet.”
“I don’t think we are the only planet that has life.”
“The earth is a beautiful planet.”
“Football was not what I was put on this planet to do.”
“If this is the only planet on which not only life, but intelligent life, has arisen, that would be very unusual.”
“One of the jovian moons, Europa, is coated with twice as much liquid water as is sloshing around our planet.”
“For the unions, it is simple. There are no jobs on a dead planet.”
“The planet’s environmental woes tend to be overlooked as we scramble for the latest high-tech gizmos – and conveniently ignore their energy consumption.”
“Consuming less means throwing away less, while reusing things actually helps to save the planet as well as the pennies.”
“The fossil fuel industry has been a particular disgrace, polluting our politics as well as our planet.”
“I never belonged anywhere. I just felt like a creature from another planet.”
“We are the most powerful creatures on the planet, women.”
“There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet.”
“We all know LeBron’s IQ is on another planet.”
“I am optimistic globally. So many scientists are working frantically on the reparation of our planet.”
“A world is in danger, this planet is in great danger!”
“I am the luckiest actress on the planet.”
“We are safer if there are not nuclear arsenals around the planet that can be utilized, stolen, sold to terrorists and others who would do harm.”
“Music is like the soul of the planet.”
“We are here on this planet to add to the happiness of the world.”
“Without question Gibson guitars are the finest, most revered guitars on the planet.”
“On the ground, Pakistan is the most virulently anti-American state on the planet.”
“The ocean, to me, is one of the most terrifying things on the planet.”
“The Radiohead record, The Bends is my all-time favorite record on the planet.”
“I’m a big, big movie fan. I watch ‘The Ten Commandments’ and the original ‘Planet of the Apes’ every night.”
“Most of my peers in television seem to be from a different planet. I don’t hang out with any of them.”
“Our planet’s greener future depends on nurturing our natural and abundant renewable resources.”
“Commercialization of assets off the planet would mutually reinforce the growth of interplanetary communication.”
“There is not one country in this planet where Major Lazer doesn’t want to perform.”
“Terrorism is a horrible thing that is the great threat to civilization on our planet.”
“I wanna be the biggest pop group on the planet.”
“The bottom line is: We must be working on arriving at the destination for which we were put on this planet.”
“I want to derive pleasure from this planet and put pleasure back into it.”
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