“I’m not your traditional action hero.”
“The life of a true, traditional stand-up is really unappealing for women.”
“My use of the medium – photography – is in some ways traditional.”
“I like both antireligious and traditional Catholic imagery.”
“There’s so much that can be learned from French cooking, especially really traditional, more modest meals.”
“I’m a creature of habit and tend to favour small, traditional English businesses.”
“Artificial intelligence is destroying the traditional world of work.”
“Traditional doctors say I’m a mystic. I don’t deny it.”
“Saddam is a familiar dictatorial aggressor, with traditional goals for his aggression.”
“I do really well in the traditional board games: Backgammon, Checkers.”
“At my real wedding, I wore traditional Celtic garb – a kilt.”
“I didn’t have any interest in traditional art.”
“French designers are classic, chic, and traditional.”
“Traditional conceptual art is very dry.”
“Traditional ways of distinguishing populations are irrelevant in terms of genetic code.”
“I like Traditional Medicinals for most teas I drink.”
“I try not to do traditional games.”
“My book is traditional. It runs counter to the post-modern spirit.”
“The Republicans have a very traditional focus over and over again whether or not it’s worked.”
“Traditional Islam is a mixture of all obedience to Allah, and if that requires militancy, so be it.”
“I went to USC film school, briefly, which is a very traditional film school.”
“I really wanted a wonderful, traditional home for my kid.”
“My childhood was very, very, very, very traditional.”
“ShapeShift has no user accounts, signup, or registration process whatsoever. But it’s faster and far more convenient than traditional exchanges.”
“Beijing has a glut of charming and traditional or brash and luxurious places to stay.”
“Traditional market researchers are cold and calculating and scientific.”
“During the Cultural Revolution, the communists came in, and what they wanted to do was eradicate all sense of traditional Chinese culture.”
“I’m basically a fairly traditional filmmaker.”
“I didn’t come from a traditional Tory background; it was urban and metropolitan.”
“Trump’s policies are a mix of fairly traditional things. Even his immigration stuff isn’t really that new.”
“Traditional publishers require an author to submit a manuscript six months in advance, and if pressed, no later than two or three.”
“I obviously read and adore traditional fiction. I teach traditional fiction; I also teach all kinds of not-so-traditional fiction.”
“Traditional musical forms like ‘Parai Isai’ and ‘Villupattu’ are unique, and they need to be protected and nurtured.”
“I detest this contemporary trend to destroy the traditional hierarchy of genres.”
“I doubt I’ll ever have another traditional print deal.”
“We’re traditional and don’t do cutting-edge styles, but after 17 years we’re holding our own.”
“I am definitely a storyteller, but probably not a traditional Storyteller.”
“With a far-future setting merging Chinese and American culture, ‘Firefly’ also saw high-tech futurism blended with the traditional Wild West.”
“My time of martial arts was traditional.”
“The cloud removes the barriers to entry associated with traditional IT investments – meaning even the smallest companies can benefit from enterprise-class services.”
“Traditional marriage is what should be sanctioned.”
“I have had a lot of cool offers to move into traditional media, but I’m not completely sold I have to do that.”
“Facebook is terrifying to the traditional games biz.”
“I couldn’t see myself doing a traditional sitcom.”
“I’m trying to go beyond the traditional cliches of an African safari.”
“Tennis is not really a traditional Olympic sport.”
“I want the traditional family upheld, but I don’t want it upheld to the detriment of other people.”
“I’m a lover of old traditional country – George Jones, Merle Haggard, Tammy Wynette, Marty Roberts.”
“Open-faced, traditional, wood-burning fireplaces are very inefficient.”
“Well, dojo is a traditional Japanese word for training hall.”
“I’m a big romantic, traditional, cheesy guy.”
“I’ve done everything from traditional yoga to Bikram yoga to Pilates.”
“The traditional role of the Senate has been to be the adult in the room.”
“I’m not super traditional at all.”
“I don’t necessarily have a traditional stand-up set.”
“’Frankenstein’ feels like an ancient tale, the kind of traditional story that appears in many other forms.”
“I would not call my family ‘traditional Chinese.’ We were more what I would term the Colonial Chinese.”
“We’ve announced an Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance, a bunch of low-cost commodity servers running Linux, integrated in our case, with InfiniBand – connected with InfiniBand vs. the traditional Ethernet.”
“I do believe in the traditional definition of marriage.”
“When it comes to dating, I’m straightforward and traditional with a twist.”
“Peruvian food is so simple yet amazingly flavored with their traditional spices.”
“In 1998, I self-published online in order to get a traditional deal.”
“I actually feel like a very traditional architect.”
“The Internet produces new business models and also reinvents traditional business models.”
“We need to say goodbye to the traditional methodologies of corporate universities.”
“I am very traditional, and I am the disciplinarian.”
“I’ve never been traditional, and I hate conforming to anything.”
“I come from a traditional theater background.”
“I realized it wasn’t necessary to work in the traditional methods of carving and casting.”
“Self-publishing has been a dubious challenge to traditional publishers, at best.”
“I’m a traditional wife in every sense.”
“I’m intrigued by traditional Indian designs. They are so beautifully handcrafted, and the designs are so intricate and beautiful. I really prefer the Indian designs.”
“The smartphone killed the traditional camera industry because it subsumed all the functions of a traditional camera.”
“I have been interested in Irish traditional music for the past few years.”
“It’s traditional for an heiress to be raised in a sheltered way. No one thinks that’s true of me, but it actually was.”
“I’m a traditionalist. I’m a Latin mass Catholic, and I hold to traditional views of responsibility.”
“My family is very traditional, Catholic.”
“I have a strange, not very traditional voice – I’m not Adele.”
“We behavioralists differ from our more traditional brethren in the way we characterize agents in the economy.”
“It’s important that we have the traditional operas and the repertory, but we should also have something new.”
“We desecrated the traditional values, but new values didn’t come along.”
“With ‘All Is Song,’ I tried to construct a very traditional narrative that pulls no tricks.”
“I’m a traditional singer-songwriter. I have a more organic sound.”
“I come from a traditional hip-hop background.”
“The State Marriage Defense Act helps safeguard the ability of states to preserve traditional marriage for their citizens.”
“I’m very much influenced by your traditional comic book artists like Jack Kirby, Alex Toth and Walter Simonson. Their styles were sort of what I was gravitating towards.”
“Mine is not a traditional music, but it comes from a tradition.”
“Liver, lungs, heads, tails, kidneys, testicles, all of these things which are traditional, delicious and nutritious parts of our gastronomy go to waste.”
“Malaria was one of the epidemic diseases with the most comprehensive records in traditional Chinese medical literature.”
“The traditional tango is really staccato, but with the Argentine tango, you have to be really sexy and saucy.”
“Tottenham are a beautiful club, a traditional club in England.”
“The traditional markers people use for hiring can be wrong – profoundly wrong.”
“Bumble is about equality. We are reverse-engineering traditional societal norms.”
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