“Do you know the difference between a beautiful woman and a charming one? A beauty is a woman you notice, a charmer is one who notices you.”
“When virtue and modesty enlighten her charms, the lustre of a beautiful woman is brighter than the stars of heaven, and the influence of her power it is in vain to resist.”
“I actually use women’s perfume – I have since I was a kid. It’s called Anais Anais, from Rachael. It smells like a beautiful woman and a bouquet of flowers. I use that and Right Guard deodorant.”
“The most beautiful girl in the room not only gets the guy, she lands the job, gets better service at a restaurant, rises through the social ranks before her friends. Doors open for the beautiful woman that may not for a female who is twice as smart but half as beautiful.”
“Some people say I’m not a very pretty woman, but I’m a very beautiful woman inside.”
“I’m married. My wife, Stella – a beautiful woman. She’s brought a lot of peace to my life, a lot of wisdom.”
“A beautiful woman should break her mirror early.”
“I’m prepared to try to talk to a very beautiful girl. I learned a fantastic secret, which is that the most beautiful woman in the room is not being spoken to because she’s too intimidating. They’re not looking for somebody beautiful; they’re looking for somebody to amuse them.”
“It’s the combination of marrying a beautiful woman three decades younger and my iPad that keeps me young.”
“A particularly beautiful woman is a source of terror. As a rule, a beautiful woman is a terrible disappointment.”
“For the moment I prefer to be a beautiful woman of my age than try desperately to look 30.”
“The death of a beautiful woman, is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world.”
“A lot of the songs start with an image. I was sitting there playing the guitar and I pictured this old, dirty green car, with the window rolled down, in the hot, hot, hot Texas heat, and this beautiful woman I knew when I was a kid sitting behind the wheel, looking out at me.”
“In the middle of my sophomore year, I was sent to boarding school, at the Cranbrook School for boys, in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, where I fell in love with Marilyn Monroe. I knew that she was the most beautiful woman in the world, and yet she was in pain, in need. She was unhappy. I believed that I could help her.”
“If a man is truly in love, the most beautiful woman in the world couldn’t take him away. Maybe for a few days, but not forever.”
“When you have a brush in your hand, inking a beautiful woman is a lot like running your hands over her.”
“What Kirk wanted every evening was to go to bed with a beautiful woman. Our captain now is a man of infinitely more skill. A better man.”
“If people see me having dinner with a beautiful woman, they immediately believe that I’m having a love affair with her. Of course that’s rubbish. I’m not a playboy!”
“The body of a beautiful woman is not made for love; it is too exquisite.”
“What I’ve never understood is why some women use plastic surgery to make themselves more attractive to men. The most beautiful woman is someone who’s happy and is always smiling.”
“The reason of my life is not to be the most beautiful woman in the world.”
“I always think that today is the best day that there’s ever been. The song that I’m working on is always the best song I’ve ever written. The woman I’m looking at is the most incomprehensibly beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. These dogs that I have now are, by far, the best dogs I’ve ever had – although, so were the last pair of dogs I had.”
“As ugly an admission as this is, I met my wife at a party, and if I had been to the same party and she were dressed in different clothes, I might never have talked to her. She might have projected something that I found distasteful, even if she otherwise looked exactly the same – a beautiful woman to me.”
“German accents and Hassidic accents aren’t that romantic. They’re more harsh. Although Hebrew, when spoken by certain people, sounds beautiful. There’s this beautiful woman I know who speaks Hebrew, and when she speaks, it’s so attractive. Maybe it’s who’s speaking it.”
“One of my core values is to help redefine what it means to be a strong and beautiful woman in the music and fashion worlds and to empower the wonderful things that make us unique.”
“I don’t really think I am the most beautiful woman in the world at all. If I can create some illusion to that effect – and it seems I have – then that is what spells success to me.”
“I just see myself as just an ordinary chick from Florida, not some beautiful woman.”
“All I have to say is: Jessica Simpson is the most beautiful woman on the planet!”
“Few people realize what a handicap it is to be what people call a beautiful woman. I’m glad, of course, that I don’t look like an unmade bed, but too often, I’m just taken at face value. And there aren’t many men who believe a beautiful woman can have any brains.”
“No matter what shape or size you are, you should feel confident in your own skin. You should feel like a beautiful woman, no matter what!”
“I love the ambiguous kind of endings. I think, oftentimes, that’s what life really is – there’s no concrete path for you to take. It’s always kind of a jumble of variables. Behind this door could be a beautiful woman, and behind the same door could be a tiger, you know? You don’t know.”
“There’s a difference between beauty and charm. A beautiful woman is one I notice. A charming woman is one who notices me.”
“Even the handsomest men do not have the same momentary effect on the world as a truly beautiful woman does.”
“It’s always fun to walk down the street with or behind a really beautiful woman, for no reason other than to see how the world reacts to them.”
“Madeleine Albright, when you see her, she’s not a beautiful woman and she’s getting older. But you’re saying that woman has gravitas. She knows what she’s talking about.”
“Beauty is also submitted to the taste of time, so a beautiful woman from the Belle Epoch is not exactly the perfect beauty of today, so beauty is something that changes with time.”
“Being a celebrity is probably the closest to being a beautiful woman as you can get.”
“I look up to my mom. She’s a beautiful woman.”
“Volvo is like a mysterious, beautiful woman. We just look at her from far away, amazed. We don’t dare get close to her. We’re just a bunch of farm boys.”
“To start telling people that you’re beautiful, or just feel beautiful, just start acting like you are the most beautiful woman in the world. And it really improves everything! Because your sort of psyche responds to it – like this is truthful!”
“I know who I am. I am not perfect. I’m not the most beautiful woman in the world. But I’m one of them.”
“I don’t know about Brad Pitt leaving that beautiful woman to go hold orphans for Angelina. I mean how long is that going to last?”
“A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, the understanding; a pure one, the soul.”
“I’m not a stereotypically beautiful woman, and I’m so happy that I’m not. I’ve seen those ladies – the need to be attractive at all times is ghastly. Also, in your twenties, if you are beautiful, everything comes to you, so you never need to develop a personality. I never had that problem.”
“Who knows who will be on board? A couple of spies, for sure. At least one grand duke; a few beautiful woman, no doubt very rich and very troubled. Anything can happen and usually does on the Orient Express.”
“I think the role of the Bond woman has changed so much over the years that it now doesn’t follow a typical archetypical view. Before, it was very much a beautiful woman who didn’t contribute much and who usually ended up getting killed or was arm candy for Bond. But now the women in a Bond movie have so much more to offer.”
“I used to love wrestling Beth Phoenix, and I loved everything Beth Phoenix did in the ring because it was like, ‘Goodness. That beautiful woman is so strong.’”
“The highest prize in a world of men is the most beautiful woman available on your arm and living there in her heart loyal to you.”
“A lovely nook of forest scenery, or a grand rock, like a beautiful woman, depends for much of its attractiveness upon the attendance sense of freedom from whatever is low; upon a sense of purity and of romance.”
“There are so many young women coming up through the ranks. Adele is an amazing singer. Beyonce has great stage presence. She’s just a beautiful woman. I love how everyone has just taken charge of their lives and careers.”
“I get tired of comedies where there are a bunch of funny guys and a beautiful woman who doesn’t do anything funny. And I don’t like books where there’s a rough-and-tumble boy and a really clever, snotty girl. That’s just not my experience with teenagers.”
“I’m intrigued by the way in which physical appearance can often direct a person’s life; things happen differently for a beautiful woman than for a plain one.”
“’Pretty Lady’ is the conversation piece where you just need to compliment your lady. If you are in a club setting, and you just been eyeing a beautiful woman, this song came from me trying to compliment women and them turning their face up at me.”
“I feel like the moon is a very beautiful woman. She’s in control.”
“I had lived a charmed life, and then I lost a beautiful woman I loved with all my heart.”
“When I’m with my wife, I know she’s a beautiful woman. I know that, and more than that, it’s what she is inside. She’s beautiful inside; she loves music like I do. That’s the thing that brought us together and probably keeps us together.”
“If you look good, you can act in a Bollywood movie, you don’t have to be able to act; and Aishwarya Rai is a great example of this. She is a beautiful woman… You look at her, I want to look at her. Damn, she is fine; but stop acting or stop trying to act.”
“A beautiful woman must expect to be more accountable for her steps, than one less attractive.”
“A beautiful woman can be painted as a totem only; not as a woman, but as a Madonna, a queen, a sphinx.”
“Ava Gardner was the most beautiful woman in the world, and it’s wonderful that she didn’t cut up her face. She addressed aging by picking up her chin and receiving the light in a better way. And she looked like a woman. She never tried to look like a girl.”
“The definition of a beautiful woman is one who loves me.”
“Everybody knows that I’m not the most beautiful woman in the world.”
“There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves.”
“I think Edith Evans is the most marvelous actress in the world and she can look beautiful. People who aren’t beautiful can look beautiful. She can look as beautiful as Diana Cooper, who was the most beautiful woman in the world.”
“What I love about Sade other than her smooth and sultry voice is her willingness to be vulnerable. As a powerful, strong and beautiful woman of color, she showed her delicate, passionate side in a world where most of us are putting on a brave face. I love how effortless her style was and how consistent that red lip was!”
“My mother’s a… beautiful woman, and I think, in some way, I felt intimidated by that sometimes.”
“Being jealous of a beautiful woman is not going to make you beautiful.”
“Being jealous of a beautiful woman is not going to make you more beautiful.”
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