“My spelling is Wobbly. It’s good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places.”
“Five letters here just for everybody out there in Packer-land: R-E-L-A-X, Relax. We’re going to be OK.”
“DNA is a code of four letters; proteins are made up of amino acids which come in 20 forms. So the ribosome is a very clever machine that reads one language and operates in another.”
“I’ve always published a range of responses to my work in the letters section of my comic book.”
“I read academic books on courtesan culture at the turn-of-the century in Shanghai such as Gail Hershatter’s ‘The Gender of Memory’. The diaries were mostly in the form of letters from courtesans to a lover who had disappeared or taken their savings.”
“I used to get, like, 2,000 letters a week at one point.”
“My songs are just little letters to me.”
“When an actor has money he doesn’t send letters, he sends telegrams.”
“Shakespeare is a permanent presence in the English letters.”
“All of our lyrics are really personal, and we get a lot of personal letters.”
“So, I got a lot of recruitment letters from track.”
“Stammering is different than stuttering. Stutterers have trouble with the letters, while stammerers trip over entire parts of a sentence. We stammerers generally think of ourselves as very bright.”
“The number of e-mails and letters that I get from choreographers, from sculptors, from composers who are being inspired by science is huge.”
“I’ve written immense love letters that are supposed to be opened over days at a time.”
“The stories are success stories. The letters from listeners often touch the heart and can be inspiring.”
“I like the storytelling and reading the letters, the long-distance dedications.”
“Other writers tell me about these bushel baskets delivered at the front door. If I’ve gotten 50 letters over the last 18 years, I’d be surprised.”
“When an actor has money, he doesn’t send letters, but telegrams.”
“I don’t just write letters. I write laws.”
“Mum’s serial misbehavior over the years had driven me, despairing, to write her scolding – occasionally scalding letters.”
“Biographers search for traces, for evidence of activity, for signs of movement, for letters, for diaries, for photographs.”
“Everyone’s second team in Italy is Leicester. In Thailand, the first team is Leicester. I’ve received letters from Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil – everywhere ‘Leicester, Leicester, what a legend.’”
“Over the last couple of years I have gotten an average of 2,000 letters a week from fans.”
“I got hate letters from girls all over America because I wouldn’t go to the prom with them.”
“If I ever saw an amputee getting hanged, I’d probably just start calling out letters.”
“The Germans and Austrians are very polite, the Swiss are very reserved and the Spanish usually kiss me. The Brits write me letters.”
“Letters have to pass two tests before they can be classed as good: they must express the personality both of the writer and of the recipient.”
“Yeah, I’ve gotten a few letters from prison.”
“The letters from jail are always disconcerting.”
“I don’t know how to write love letters.”
“People are told their rights when they’re arrested. Consumers getting collection letters are entitled to the same courtesy.”
“A man of letters never objects to a slum. He sharpens his pen there.”
“When I was a kid in Houston, we were so poor we couldn’t afford the last 2 letters, so we called ourselves po’.”
“I don’t write letters anymore.”
“I get a lot of letters from people.”
“It will be written on my tombstone in very large letters, ‘Here lies Hikaru Sulu,’ and in very tiny letters, ‘aka George Takei.’ I don’t protest the inevitable.”
“Critics are sentinels in the grand army of letters, stationed at the corners of newspapers and reviews, to challenge every new author.”
“Journalists don’t have audiences – they have publics who can respond instantly and globally, positively or negatively, with a great deal more power than the traditional letters to the editor could wield.”
“I have thousands of tapes, and photos and fliers, letters, posters, artwork – basically everything that ever happened, I kept. I’m not a hoarder, though. I’m sort of a librarian.”
“I get fan letters written in everything from crayons to lipstick.”
“The Malays, like the Japanese, have a most rigid epistolary etiquette and set forms for letter writing. Letters must consist of six parts and are so highly elaborate that the scribes who indite them are almost looked upon as litterateurs.”
“I’ve been honored to take part in protests and events across Illinois, joining with thousands of you in the resistance, making calls, sending letters, and making sure Washington understands that we will not allow the ACA to be repealed.”
“Writings scatter to the winds blank checks in an insane charge. And were they not such flying leaves, there would be no purloined letters.”
“I started getting letters from college in the tenth grade.”
“I keep all of my letters, postcards, and thank you notes. I’ll keep them forever!”
“I took all of my rejection letters – there must have been thousands of them in a huge box – and I went out on the curb and burned them all, crying.”
“The most dazzling aspect of ‘Possession’ is Ms. Byatt’s canny invention of letters, poems and diaries from the 19th century.”
“Aside from sales, the letters from readers have been primarily positive.”
“At a young age, I realized that getting letters is exciting.”
“Letters are among the most significant memorial a person can leave behind them.”
“In Degas’s compositions with several dancers, their steps, postures and gestures often resemble the almost geometric, formal letters of an alphabet, whereas their bodies and heads are recalcitrant, sinuous and individual.”
“More than kisses, letters mingle souls.”
“I have 800 books of just Samuel Beckett’s work, tons of his correspondence, personal letters that he wrote. I have copies of plays he used when he directed, so all of his handwritten notes are in the corners of the page.”
“Gods don’t answer letters.”
“Over the last two years, I have been able to comb through The Prince’s archives. I have been free to read his journals, diaries and many thousands of the letters.”
“If a man wishes to truly not be written about, he would do well not to write letters to 18-year-old girls, inviting them into his life.”
“Mail is processed. It arrives at Paramount Studios! It’s sorted, and a pile is brought to the production offices for each of the TV shows shot there. That mail is sorted so that each actor gets his letters. A pile is placed in his dressing room.”
“What I tend to get from America is very enthusiastic letters and e-mail from librarians and schoolteachers, the gatekeepers, though I hesitate to use that word. I’ve never been a huge seller.”
“As historians, we spend days in archives, gazing at account books. We train would-be historians in the arts of deciphering letters and documents, early Latin, scribal handwriting, medieval French.”
“I receive many letters from people hoping to research their own houses.”
“Letters are something from you. It’s a different kind of intention than writing an e-mail.”
“In ‘Letters from Iwo Jima,’ there were times when I told Eastwood, ‘This is just not believable.’”
“I get about three letters a day from all over the world.”
“Although a madman, Norton wrote letters to Abraham Lincoln and Queen Victoria which they took seriously.”
“I get letters from little girls begging me to adopt them.”
“I’m much more into old-world, intimate conversations on the phone. I like to write letters.”
“The only problem I’ve had with my Vox wah is its tendency to move around on the floor. So now it sits on a rubber mat that says in big letters, ‘Kirk’s Wah-Wah Rug.’”
“’Letters From Home’ is a story inspired by my grandparents’ epistolary courtship.”
“No one writes each other letters anymore, but I think there’s something so special about receiving a really heartfelt letter, still.”
“The letters TSS that I once read in the fine print buried on the bottom of tampon boxes soon came to define me. TSS – Toxic Shock Syndrome: a potentially fatal complication of certain types of bacterial infections.”
“People can lie in letters, but they tend not to. They certainly lie in memoirs.”
“No texting. What happens then? Good old-fashioned letters.”
“There are all kinds of letters and protests that come from, not surprisingly, Japanese fishermen, the fishermen’s wives; there are student groups, all different types of people; the protest against the Americans’ use of the Pacific for nuclear testing.”
“I get about 25 letters a month, and I answer every one of them.”
“I’m immensely proud to have been made a CBE, but I don’t ever use the letters after my name unless someone has included them in correspondence.”
“I did not write any of the letters that were ever published as investment commentary.”
“Don’t drag candidates through weeks of endless interviews. Don’t flake out on interviews. At DeveloperAuction, we often have offer letters prepared in advance, so we can hand them to great candidates as they are leaving the office.”
“Creating legislation is a tough process. But watering down legislation? Strangling it with lawsuits and comment letters and blue-ribbon committees? Not so tough, it turns out.”
“When I was very little, we would get letters from China, in Chinese, and they’ be censored. We were a very insular little family.”
“I’m a hopeless romantic and a believer in handwritten letters.”
“Letters have been found with my name on assassination lists.”
“I had to deal with several stalkers and a lot of strange letters.”
“A typical agent in New York gets 400 query letters a month. Of those, they might ask to read 3-4 manuscripts, and of those, they might ask to represent 1.”
“Every author really wants to have letters printed in the papers. Unable to make the grade, he drops down a rung of the ladder and writes novels.”
“Most well-known serial killers have victims numbering in the dozens, have sent taunting letters to the police or have done bizarre things to the bodies.”
“I have 60 years of reading to draw upon: naval memoirs, dispatches, the Naval Chronicles, family letters.”
“Politeness is as much concerned in answering letters within a reasonable time, as it is in returning a bow, immediately.”
“At present I answer about 100 letters a month, and read 300 emails.”
“I have a file of letters and bits of ephemera from friends who have died. I have had lots of friends who died of AIDS.”
“I’ve got many letters from Muslim organizations thanking me for making ‘Kingdom of Heaven.’”
“Harry Truman wrote scathing letters, but he almost never sent them.”
“All forms of contact are good: letters, parcels, e-mails – I’ve been trying to get a Webcam for my computer, but I’m such a Luddite.”
“There are certain families whose members should all live in different towns – different states, if possible – and write each other letters once a year.”
“I don’t write polite letters. I don’t like to plea-bargain. I like to fight.”
“I used to get an awful lot of letters, and they have almost all gone. I used to answer nearly all of them.”
“Actually, I bought one share of Warren Buffett’s stock, probably 35 years ago, in order to read his letters.”
“The little words in the Republic of Letters, like the little folks in a nation, are the most useful and significant.”
“My most cherished possessions are my grandma’s letters and my vintage Martha Washington cookbook.”
“Despite saying the letters ‘LGBTQ’ at the RNC, Donald Trump consistently endorsed anti-equality positions.”
“Letters are expectation packaged in an envelope.”
“Email did precisely what I predicted, back in 1978, it took over the postal mail process and system of writing letters.”
“Two dads have sent me letters that said my books changed their daughters’ lives. I send them packages with T-shirts and posters because, come on… that’s the coolest.”
“I’m tired of wasting letters when punctuation will do, period.”
“I have had nothing to do in any way, shape or form with the mailing of these anthrax letters, and it is extremely wrong for anyone to contend or suggest that I have.”
“After reviewing the polygraph charts in private, the polygraph examiner told me that I had passed and that he believed I had nothing to do with the anthrax letters.”
“I lived in Calcutta for five months in 1999. While I was there, I read many journals, diaries, collections of letters and histories.”
“I’m good at utilising body parts as letters.”
“Since I became a senator in 2015, my office has been inundated by countless letters, emails, and calls from North Carolinians telling us how Obamacare has been a nightmare for them and their families.”
“I’m the absolute worst at getting jobs, ever. I had 100 rejections before I landed one. I kept all the letters in a folder until I realized I could just chuck them away.”
“I used to keep a folder with all my rejection letters in it – a few years into having a job, I burned it.”
“I even got letters form kids in hospitals saying the music is what keeps them going, and that really touched my heart.”
“Chekhov was capable of casually tossing off deplorable comments in his letters, combined with a very modern anger against anti-Semitism.”
“I’ve read probably 25 or 30 books by Balzac, all of Tolstoy – the novels and letters – and all of Dickens. I learned my craft from these guys.”
“I save her marked-up manuscripts as an unluckier husband might save love letters.”
“The atoms may be compared to the letters of the alphabet, which can be put together into innumerable ways to form words. So the atoms are combined in equal variety to form what are called molecules.”
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