“I tried to oppose the academic to the marketplace.”
“I have always believed in the marketplace of ideas.”
“We’ve established a free marketplace of teacher ideas and donor interests.”
“I am seriously troubled by the proposed rapid consolidation in the telecommunications marketplace.”
“We’re going to continue to invest to win in the narrow-body marketplace.”
“Healthcare is a conservative marketplace.”
“A lot of it had to do with when it’s released and what’s out in the marketplace, what’s its competition.”
“The relentless pressures of the so-called marketplace have distorted all our culture industries.”
“We have to take the biblical truth and start applying it in the statehouse, the schoolhouse, and the marketplace.”
“The idea of strengthening health savings accounts… that bolsters the marketplace.”
“A moral monopoly is the antithesis of a marketplace of ideas.”
“Under Obamacare, rates are skyrocketing, and insurers are leaving the marketplace.”
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