“RNase H is a specific RNase that will cleave the RNA of a DNA/RNA duplex.”
“There’s no specific mission statement for the ‘Toast.’”
“The more specific you are, the more general it’ll be.”
“Self-esteem and self-contempt have specific odors; they can be smelled.”
“A vlog look is a very specific look, and it’s basically a phone look.”
“Theatricality is a concept. It’s not a specific language.”
“I’m from the DMV, which is D.C.-Maryland-Virginia – Prince George’s County in Maryland, to be specific.”
“If the ‘Boosh’ was a bit more of a specific thing, or less multi-limbed, we would probably have done it and moved on.”
“I don’t know if I have a specific style icon.”
“Y.A. wasn’t really a specific genre when I was fifteen, but if it was, I would probably have shunned it; I was a huge snob.”
“Paul Rudd has a very specific brand of humor.”
“I do get a lot of requests for specific things.”
“I went to America with a very specific idea of what I wanted to do.”
“When I was agriculture minister, we drafted specific policies to tackle the agrarian crisis.”
“Jobs have to be created on the ground, one at a time. This requires detailed plans and specific policies.”
“The specific is not exclusive: it lacks the aspiration to totality.”
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